latihan call

you can see the questions about "TRUE and FALSE", This is so interesting for elementary school. so please download here! ya guyyys..ada music juga..

hay sahabat bogger ...
ada juga loh contoh materi jmix ,,kaya game gitu..

haaay.... sahabat blogger ?
Mau dapet materi game pelajar tentang materi bahasa inggrish gk ? klo mau Coba dechh yang ini , interesting bgt deh pokonya, banyak gambarnya juga nih, kaya yang dibawah ini loh...

this media created using hot potatoes. for test your students ability in fill the gap. the media is fun and good

please download here

the media for testing your grammar here. the media created using j quiz hot potatoes.

please download here

the next media created by using Hot potatoes is crossword. this media can test your students' ability in listening because the material about listening. the test will be more interesting and fun with this media. the students will feel happy look the interactive media like this.

please download J-Cross here

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